Free education is our main concern through VR gives children and students worldwide access to immersive learning experiences, breaking down geographic and economic barriers. Students can explore subjects interactively, making learning more engaging and personalised. Visit famous places around the world or museums with our partners. Show them the possibilities without boundaries.

This innovative approach democratises knowledge, fostering global equality and empowering the next generation with limitless educational opportunities. All of that with affordable plans for everyone and any school.

Learning for All

With The Borealis, free VR education brings lessons to life. Students can engage with interactive subjects and explore famous places and museums, breaking down the barriers of traditional classrooms. Affordable and accessible, this approach empowers learners to grow through hands-on experiences, no matter where they are in the world.

Global Knowledge, Local Access

The Borealis VR platform offers a world of knowledge at students' fingertips. By partnering with educational institutions and museums, children can explore history, science, and culture from anywhere. No geographic limitations, just immersive learning that fosters curiosity, creativity, and a love of discovery—all at an affordable price.

Equal Opportunities

The Borealis’s commitment to free education via VR ensures students everywhere can enjoy immersive, interactive experiences. Geography, income, or resources no longer limit access to world-class learning. This transformative technology opens the door for students to thrive academically, building future-ready skills and lifelong knowledge, while schools benefit from affordable plans.


Virtual Exploration Made Easy

Imagine visiting famous landmarks or world-renowned museums from your own classroom. With The Borealis VR universe, this dream becomes a reality. Students not only learn, they experience, making education exciting and engaging. By democratizing access to resources globally, we pave the way for brighter futures and richer learning experiences for all.

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