A hot wallet redesign from top to bottom, the first of its kind.


Check everything you own inside The Borealis. Rooms you rent to other members, status of availability for future collaborations. Upgrade or buy new assets ( Room, NFT access Card, Suits, Plans etc...)


Check in real time your income from proposing your services or renting assets you own to BRLS members. Secure your funds on your hot wallet if necessary with our COLD $BRLS Wallet.


Invest in project inside the borealis( games, concerts, services, master classes ) and check the evolution of your investments in real time.


IOS, Android, Chrome Extension, PC, Mac OS. Our hot wallet will be implemented on every platform with high level of security.


A cold wallet ahead of his time...



Our future cold wallet will provide maximum security by storing your digital assets offline, protecting them from hacking, phishing, and other online threats, making it ideal for long-term storage.

It offers complete control over your private keys, ensuring that only you have access to your cryptocurrency, reducing the risk of unauthorized transactions or access by third parties.


Cold wallets are immune to malware and viruses, as they are not connected to the internet, providing an additional layer of protection against cyber attacks that could compromise your assets.

With high durability and portability, our cold wallets like hardware devices will be easy to store and transport, ensuring your cryptocurrency is safe and accessible wherever you go.

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